WORLD KICKBOXING ORGANISATION - Caters for Amateur K-1 Rules, Kickboxing, Sport-Boxing, Sport-Jujitsu, Muay Thaiboxing, Point Fighting, Low Kick & Light Continuous athletes.
And also Forms and Kata practitioners
Working with some of the largest promoters around the world, to sanction all levels of galas and open tournament events.
WKO was founded as the sports have evolved, we are firm to keep to the rules but flexible to move with the times to improve and learn so we can offer our athletes the best opportunities around both nationally and internationally.
As the combination of legal and illegal strikes are distinctively different between each rules set/style. There has to be a clear distinction between:
Open Tournament Bouts
None Title Bouts
Title Bouts
These are clearly defined in WKO by the length, duration and amount of rounds to be contested.
WKO Bout lengths and timings:
WKO Sanctioned Open Tournament Bouts:
Open Tournaments are events where many gyms and fighters will enter and can vary in size significantly to a Gala event. These events have to have the flexibility to alter round times where practicably possible to ensure smooth running of event and safety of combatants.
Base rules for bout lengths in Open Tournaments are:
Elimination rounds:
Tatami Sports:
1 x 1.5 minute round
2 x 1 minute round with 30 seconds rest
3 x 1 minute round with 30 seconds rest
(if entry volumes allow)
Tatami Sports:
2 x 1 minute round with 30 seconds rest
2 x 1 minute round with 30 seconds rest
3 x 1 minute round with 30 seconds rest ​
(if entry volumes allow)
As stated above the volume of entries, will dictate both for what is safe and practicable to run within the time constraints of the day, in regard to open tournament bouts, rounds and lengths.
Base rules for bout lengths in WKO Sanctioned Gala events are:
None Title Bouts:
None title bouts consist of bouts which feature on Gala events that are pre-matched between the event organiser and coaches.
Bout lengths which are negotiable between event organiser and coaches are:
Junior bouts 12yrs and under
3 x 1 minute round with 30 seconds rest
Cadet bouts 13yrs to 16yrs
3 x 1.5 minute round with 45 seconds rest
Senior bouts 17yrs and over
3 x 2 minute round with 60 seconds rest
WKO Title Bouts:
Consist of bouts to contest vacant or held titles within the weight tolerances of that bout and also age/weight tolerances for junior titles.
Bout lengths which are set by WKO and agreed by the event organiser:
Junior title bouts 12yrs and under
5 x 1 minute round with 30 seconds rest
Cadet title bouts 13yrs to 16yrs
5 x 1.5 minute round with 45 seconds rest
Senior bouts 17yrs and over
5 x 2 minute round with 60 seconds rest